Our Church Music Mission Statement
The music ministry of Grace Bible Church will aid in the accomplishment of our purpose to glorify God through the corporate worship of our members. The highest goal of our music will be to exalt our God in our singing to Him and of Him (Psalm 29:2). With that as our goal, we will inevitably accomplish God’s command to share spiritual truth with one another by the avenue of music (Col. 3:16), as one means of biblical fellowship.
Our Church Music Philosophy
Our church music philosophy can be summarized in four categories.
Theologically, our music will be God-centered and thus Word-centered, as opposed to man-centered and theologically frail.
Culturally, our music will be traditional and conservative as opposed to popular and worldly.
Musically, our music will be practiced and simple as opposed to shoddy and showy.
Spiritually, our music will be participation-based and spirit-filled as opposed to entertainment-based and sentimental.
We recognize and further, strongly affirm that Christian liberty will allow us to differ on our musical preference for individual worship and edification. However, for the sake of corporate unity in our worship service, we will maintain this church standard of music. We pray that the sacred music of our worship service and our focus on the truth of the text of each song will enhance and facilitate each individual’s worship of God, whether personal preference be more or less conservative. May our lives and our song reflect the character of our Holy God.