[See the Elder Affirmation of Faith for an expanded doctrinal statement with Scripture support.]
The Bible
We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God and are given by inspiration of God revealing His sufficient, certain, and authoritative rule for all matters of faith and obedience.
Triune God
We believe that the one true God exists eternally in the three persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, each having distinct personal attributes but being equal in divine essence and glory.
God the Father
We believe that God the Father is the Almighty Sovereign who works all things according to His purpose, saving all who come to Him through Jesus Christ.
God the Son: Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son who took on human nature by the virgin birth to live a sinless life, to die an atoning death, and to rise from the dead to obtain redemption, the forgiveness of sins, and everlasting life for all who believe.
God the Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Triune God effectually regenerates sinners, permanently indwells and equips believers, and seeks to fill, empower and control each believer for godliness, service and witness.
We believe that God created all things from nothing for His own glory, and He best revealed His image in the creation of man and woman.
We believe that God orders and directs all things so that all natural events and human actions are according to His purpose and for His glory.
We believe that Adam was created in the image of God without sin, that he fell into sin by disobeying God’s command, and that, as the representative head, he brought all people into a state of death, ruin, and judgment.
We believe that before the foundation of the world, God unconditionally chose some wrath-deserving sinners for everlasting life by His mercy in Christ.
We believe that regeneration is the irresistible call of God that graciously gives spiritual life to the dead sinner, thus enlightening the mind to the gospel and enabling repentance and faith.
We believe that repentance is a gift of God’s grace whereby the Spirit convicts of sin and enables the sinner who was dead in trespasses and sins to choose freely to turn from the evil and ruin of his sin in godly sorrow, in order to live in righteousness.
We believe that faith is the gift of God’s grace whereby the repentant sinner abandons all self-reliance and works of self-righteousness, and trusts solely and completely in the substitutionary work of Christ’s righteous life, atoning death, and bodily resurrection.
We believe that justification is the legal act of God act whereby He declares unjust sinners to be just based on their faith in the perfect work of Christ.
We believe that sanctification is the promised work of God to conform the believer into the righteous character of Christ by the enabling power of the Spirit.
We believe that perseverance is the promise of God to preserve to eternal life those He has called to faith in Christ, so that a true believer will never totally or finally fall away from the faith.
The Church
We believe that the church is composed of all believers, gathered in local assemblies for worship, led by elders, served by deacons, and commissioned to live and proclaim the gospel for the glory of God.
We believe that baptism serves as a believer’s public declaration of his faith in the crucified, buried and risen Savior for the forgiveness of sins and new life in Christ.
Lord's Supper
We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a time of remembrance when believers confess their faith in the sufficiency of Christ’s atoning death, their unity with other believers in Christ, and their willingness to separate from the world.
New Covenant in Christ
We believe that the New Covenant made through the redemptive work of Christ is the full realization of the Old Testament types, prophecies and promises regarding forgiveness of sins, righteousness that pleases God, and everlasting peace and fellowship with God as His people.
Last Days
We believe that the last days will culminate with the return of Christ to conquer all earthly powers, the resurrection of all men for the righteous judgment by Christ, and the commencement of eternal wrath for unbelievers and eternal joy for those who believe in Jesus the Lord.