Welcome to the website of Grace Bible Church of Kansas City, MO. We are a local church - the gathering of those who have been graciously saved by the kindness of God through our faith in the work of His Son Jesus.
We delight to glorify God, to exalt Jesus Christ, to study and obey the Bible, to proclaim the gospel, and to love each other as we gather each week for worship and through ongoing relationships.
Please look through the site to find more information about our church, and should you have any questions please call at 816-456-8678 or e-mail us.
Our desire is to know and do whatever the Bible teaches. At Grace Bible Church, we may not do things the way you have seen them done before. We may not even do things the way we’ve done them before! We desire to be biblical, and we invite you to join us in our effort.
Grace to you for today.
Adam Godshall
Teaching Pastor
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