The Theology of Technology: Part 7 — Words and images that we consume change us.
The Theology of Technology: Part 6
Pastor Adam discusses the passage shared on the youth retreat this summer.
The Theology of Technology: Part 5
The Theology of Technology: Part 4
The Theology of Technology: Part 3
Part 2 of a series based on the book 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You by Tony Reinke.
A series based on the book 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You by Tony Reinke.
Text: Acts 14:24-28
Theme: A Missions Update: Then and Now
- Go back and read of Paul’s calling to a ministry among the Gentiles: Acts 9:1-16
- In Acts 13:1-3 you can find a description of what is meant in 14:26 by “commended to the grace of God”.
- Read Acts 14 and make a list of hight’s and low’s that characterize Paul’s missionary work. How might this help you pray for missionaries today?
Starting with an overview of what will be discussed in the book. Then moving into Chapter 1 to discuss the question: What is conscience?
Introduction to the study of the conscience using the book Conscience: What It Is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ.