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Committed Christian Living

Series: Acts: The Advance of the Kingdom
Text: Acts 2:41-47
Theme: As the family of God, we must commit to living our Christian lives together.

One: Commit to the Apostles' Teaching

  • Jesus' commission
  • Peter's example : Jesus is the risen Christ and the ruling Lord
  • The written record (the canon of Scripture)

Two: Commit to Fellowship = something in common

  • Celebrating our bond
  • Sharing our needs

Three: Commit to Breaking of Bread

  • The Lord's Supper
  • The common meals

Four: Commit to Prayer

  • For understanding and application of the Word
  • For one another's needs
  • For daily bread and love to share it
  • For God's work among us: awe, favor, & fruit

You will receive will be my witnesses... ~ Acts 1:8

SermonDavid McClurgActs