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Biblical Thinking for Godly Living

Speaker: Adam Godshall
Series: Philippians: The Joy of Life in Christ
Text: Philippians 4:8-9
Theme: Biblical Thinking for Godly Living

One: "Think about these things"
*The process: intentional consideration or counting that leads to a conclusion.
*The content: the virtues of God.

Two: "Practice these things."
*The process: to _ repeatedly and habitually
*The content: the _ from God

Three: See the promise.
*A renewing of the mind leads to a _ of the life.
*beliefe determines behavior.

Four: Hear the promise.
*The promise of His presence.
*The comfort of His peace.

Work at unity in the church

Speaker: Adam Godshall
Series: Philippians: The Joy of Life in Christ
Text: Philippians 4:2-3
Theme: Work at unity in the church.

One: Unity defined as...agreement in the Lord.

Two: Unity aimed at...gospel mission.

Three: Unity bolstered help.

Four: Unity built on...eternal life.

Five: Unity threatened and you.

Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ ~ Philippians 1:27

Stand firm

Speaker: Adam Godshall
Series: Philippians: The Joy of Life in Christ
Text: Philippians 4:1
Theme: Stand firm

One: Therefore - a strong argument

Two: my brothers - a common bond

Three: whom I love and long for - a meaningful relationship

Four: my joy and my crown - an eternal prize

Five: stand firm in the Lord

  • Against the enemies of the Lord
  • By the grace of the Lord
  • Through faith in the Lord
  • In the strength of the Lord
  • On the word of the Lord

Six: beloved - _-based love

Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of of Christ ~ Philippians 1:27

Imitate what is Good

Speaker: Adam Godshall
Series: Philippians: The Joy of Life in Christ
Text: Philippians 3:17-21
Theme: Imitate what is Good

Imitate what is Good...

One: with others who are pressing on for the prize.

Two: while resisting the powerful influence of the bad.

Three: to demonstrate your citizenship in God's kingdom

Four: knowing that your pursuit will end in complete success

Not yet perfect, but pressing on

Speaker: Adam Godshall
Series: Philippians: The Joy of Life in Christ
Text: Philippians 3:12-16
Theme: Not yet perfect, but pressing on.

I'm not yet perfect...

One: ...but perfection is Christ's plan for me.

Two: ...but I am not satisfied with where I am.

Three: ...but I'm pressing toward the goal.

Four: ...but I must stay ready to learn.

Five: ...but I must _ what I already _.

Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ ~ Philippians 1:27