Our Liturgy: We Speak to God
Speaker: Adam Godshall
Series: Why We Worship the Way We Do
Text: Psalm 100
Theme: Our Liturgy: We Speak to God
Worship = my response to God's Worth.
Liturgy = the order of the service.
We speak to God through...
One: ...Prayer: whereby we (P)raise, (R)epent, (A)sk, and (Y)eild.
Two: ...Singing: as praise and as descipleship.
Three: ...Affirmations of our faith: from the Bible, and from church confessions.
Four: ...Giving: with thanksgiving and in faith.
Five: ...Congregational Responses: with "amen", through the ordinances, and by our resolve.
Present your bodies as a living sacrifice...which is your spiritual worship ~ Romans 12:1