Text: Mark 1:17-18
Theme: Our various outreach efforts must be governed by biblical presuppositions.
Text: Mark 1:17-18
Theme: Our various outreach efforts must be governed by biblical presuppositions.
Series: Missions Study
Text: Philippians 2:15-16
Theme: Out various outreach efforts must be governed by biblical presuppositions.
Text: Luke 4:14-30
Series: Knowing God
Text: Psalm 102:25-27
Series: Knowing God
Text: Romans 3:21-26
Series: Knowing God
Text: Psalm 119:68
Text: Matthew 27:51
Theme: The Glory of Christ in a Torn Curtain
Text: Matthew 27:45 - Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour.
Theme: The Glory of Christ in a Dark Afternoon
Thinking through the life and ministry of Billy Graham.
Series: Knowing God
Text: 2 Kings 6:8-18
Theme: The perfection of God’s presence
Series: Knowing God
Text: Exodus 34:6-7
Theme: God is profoundly perfect in His attributes.
Series: Knowing God
Text: Deuteronomy 29
Series: Knowing God
Text: Acts 9:1-19