The Family Tree of Laziness
Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.
- Laziness 19:24
- Selfish 21:26
- Loveless 31:10-31
- Proud 26:16
- Disobedient 21:25
- Wasteful 12:27; 18:9
- Undisciplined 28:19
- Self-destructive 21:25; 24:30-31
- Needy 19:15
- Unsatisfied 13:4; 21:26
- Troubled 12:24; 15:19
- Undisciplined 28:19
- Wasteful 12:27; 18:9
- Ease 6:10
- Unmotivated 26:14; 16:26
- Self-indulgent 6:9; 21:17
- Short-sighted 20:4; 27:26
- Selfish 21:26
Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.
Three concluding thoughts:
- Work is not part of the curse.
- Work to reflect God's image and carry out our calling.
- The work/rest pattern points us to the gospel.
When Christ tranforms your life, laziness can be weeded out because we can do all the work that we do as though we are doing it for the Lord himself.