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The Battle for Truth

The Battle For Truth

Series: Stick to the Truth
Text: 1 Timothy 1:18-20

We must fight for the truth.

  1. The church has always had to fight for the truth.
    • Old Testament
      • Israel
      • Elijah
      • All the prophets
    • New Testament
      • Jesus refuting the Pharisees
      • Early church coming up against Judaism and Rome
    • Early Centuries
      • The Trinity: Council of Nicaea, 325
      • God's Sovereignty: Council of Ephesus, 431
      • Deity of Christ: Council of Constantinople, Council of Ephesus, Council of Chalcedon
    • Middle ages
      • The Reformers standing up to the Roman Catholic Church
    • Puritans
      • Queen Mary against those who held to the reformation
    • Missionary Church
      • Modern Missionary Movement
      • Sunday School Movement in Orphan outreach
      • Abolitionist Movement
    • Fundamentalism
      • Opposing liberalism and modernism
      • Princeton Seminary
      • Battle for Biblical inerrancy
  1. How do I fight for the truth?
    • Remember your commission
    • Believe God's words
    • Imitate God's character
    • Oppose false teaching

Video of the full service on YouTube