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Posts tagged Stick to the Truth
Relationships in the Church, Part One

Series: Stick to the Truth
Text: 1 Timothy 5:1-16

Five concluding applications for our church

  1. Sharpen your understanding of what true neediness looks like
  2. Treat each other with the God-designed propriety of family relationships
  3. Care for your natural family with generous love
  4. Give special attention to widows
  5. Embrace the God-pleasing ministry in every stage of life

Video of the full service on the church YouTube channel

Strategies for Combating False Teaching

Series: Stick to the Truth
Text: 1 Timothy 4:6-16

Six strategies for combating false teaching

  1. Challenge the church to think
    • "put these things before the brothers"
  2. Shun the distraction of the sensational
    • "Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths."
  3. Promote personal, spiritual discipline
    • "Rather train yourself for godliness"
  4. Prioritize God's Word in the life of the church
    • "devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching."
    • "Do not neglect the gift you have"
  5. Exemplify a life of gospel transformation
    • "Practice these things, immerse yourself in them"
  6. Persevere in the Word, and by the Word
    • "Persist in this"

Video of the full service on the church YouTube channel

The Truth About the Lies

Series: Stick to the Truth
Text: 1 Timothy 4:1-5

Definition: Apostasy is when someone who claimed to be a Christian, denies the faith.

Five Questions on False Teaching

  1. What is at stake with false teaching?
    • Some will depart from the faith.
    • Eternal life is at stake.
  2. What is the source of false teaching?
    • Deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.
    • These deceitful teachings come through human teachers.
  3. What is the strategy of false teaching?
    • Deceit.
  4. What is the content of false teaching?
    • Two warning signs
      • Promoting self-righteousness
      • Undermining God's goodness
  5. What is our response to false teaching?
    • Rigorously submit your thoughts to God's.
    • Genuinely invite others to exhort you.

Video of the full service on the church YouTube channel

The Mystery of Godliness

Series: Stick to the Truth
Text: 1 Timothy 3:14-16

This short paragraph gives us the theme for the series: stick to the truth.

Three Reasons Why We Should Stick to the Truth

  1. Stick to the truth because the truth reveals God's will for our behavior -
  2. Stick to the truth because the truth reveals God's mission for his church
    • "The household of God" reminds us that the church is the family of God
    • "The church of the living God" reminds us that God dwells among us
    • "A pillar and buttress of the truth" reminds us that the church stands for the truth
  3. Stick to the truth because the truth reveals God's purpose in the gospel

Three Conclusions

  1. Know and believe what God has said
  2. Love the family of God and unite around truth
  3. Marvel at the victory of the gospel

He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.

"Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness" ~ 1 Timothy 3:16

Video of the full service on the church YouTube channel

Qualifications for Leadership

Series: Stick to the Truth
Text: 1 Timothy 3:1-7

Introductory comments about this list

  1. This list is designed to be a starting place
  2. This list is designed to guard the office of pastor/elder/bishop
  3. This list is designed for the present

Brief definitions

  1. Above reproach
    • Blameless
  2. The husband of one wife
    • A one woman man
  3. Sober-minded
    • Vigilant
    • Cautious
  4. Self-controlled
    • Thinking is governed by truth
  5. Respectable
    • Dignity
    • Well mannered
  6. Hospitable
    • Shows love to outsiders
    • Welcoming
  7. Able to teach
    • Can they use truth to offer guidance, and can they correct error?
  8. Not a drunkard
    • Not controlled by pleasure or felt need
  9. Not violent but gentle
    • Not volatile
    • Peaceful
  10. Not quarrelsome
    • Not belligerent or debating
    • Not resentful
  11. Not a lover of money
    • Understands stewardship
    • Must be faithful
  12. Manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive
    • Supervision
    • Nurture
  13. Not a recent convert
    • Spiritually mature
  14. Well thought of by outsiders


  1. These qualities are in some way for every christian to demonstrate
  2. These qualities represent areas of growth that we continually strive for
  3. The qualities are windows into the perfections of Christ

VIdeo of the full service on YouTube

The Battle for Truth

The Battle For Truth

Series: Stick to the Truth
Text: 1 Timothy 1:18-20

We must fight for the truth.

  1. The church has always had to fight for the truth.
    • Old Testament
      • Israel
      • Elijah
      • All the prophets
    • New Testament
      • Jesus refuting the Pharisees
      • Early church coming up against Judaism and Rome
    • Early Centuries
      • The Trinity: Council of Nicaea, 325
      • God's Sovereignty: Council of Ephesus, 431
      • Deity of Christ: Council of Constantinople, Council of Ephesus, Council of Chalcedon
    • Middle ages
      • The Reformers standing up to the Roman Catholic Church
    • Puritans
      • Queen Mary against those who held to the reformation
    • Missionary Church
      • Modern Missionary Movement
      • Sunday School Movement in Orphan outreach
      • Abolitionist Movement
    • Fundamentalism
      • Opposing liberalism and modernism
      • Princeton Seminary
      • Battle for Biblical inerrancy
  1. How do I fight for the truth?
    • Remember your commission
    • Believe God's words
    • Imitate God's character
    • Oppose false teaching

Video of the full service on YouTube

The God Who Makes Us Worshippers

Series: Stick to the Truth
Text: 1 Timothy 1:17 To the King of the ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

An outburst of praise from Paul in one of his many doxological exclamations in his letters.

One: God is beyond us in His divine nature...
Two: However, God is near to us in His saving love...
Three: So that we might worship Him.

Video of the full service on the church YouTube channel