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Posts tagged Growing Grace
I Must Commit to Thanksgiving

Series: Growing Grace
Text: 2 Chronicles 7:1-3
Theme: As a disciple, I must commit to thanksgiving

Big Idea: When God makes his presence known, His people respond in worship, giving thanks for His goodness and steadfast love.

It is true in the Old Testament shadow.

It is true in the New testament fulfilment.

It should be true in our present obedience.

  • Give thanks to Him.
  • Bless His name.

...for the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever... ~ Psalm 100:5

I Must Commit to Discipleship

Series: Growing Grace
Text: Matthew 4:17-25
Theme: As a disciple, I must commit to discipleship — to following Jesus as Lord.

What does it mean to "follow" Jesus?

One: A foundation of repentance.

Two: A restructuring of priorities.

Three: A fellowship of followers.

Four: An intake of teaching.

Five: A hope of goodness.

Six: An understanding of authority.

...and Jesus said to them, "Follow me"... ~ Matthew 4:19

I Must Commit to Sharing the Good News

Series: Growing Grace
Text: Luke 10:1-20
Theme: As a disciple, I must commit to sharing the good news.

There is Joy in Sharing the Good News

One: The joy of my kingdom purpose.

Two: The joy of my announcing the good new.

Three: The joy of my sharing in Christ's rejection.

Four: The joy of my fresh experience of faith.

Five: The joy of my encounter with other believers.

Six: The joy of my experience of power.

Seven: The joy of my eternal security.

...the Lord sent them...they returned with joy... ~ Luke 10:1,17

I Must Commit to Know and Obey What The Bible Says

Series: Growing Grace
Text: 2 Kings 22:1-23:25
Theme: As a disciple, I must commit to know and do what the Bible says.

One: Could it be that the people of God would willfully neglect the Word of God?

Two: Could it be that hearing the Word of God would awaken our hunger for it?

Three: Could it be that the Word of God would guide us into faithful obedience?

Four: Could it be that the Word of God needs a more prominent place in your life?

And he made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. ~ 2 Kings 23:3

I Must Commit to Serving

Series: Growing Grace
Text: Ephesians 4:1-16
Theme: As a disciple, I must commit to serving the church.

7 Reasons to Serve the Church

One: To display God's glory. 3:20-21

Two: To reflect your calling. 4:1-2

Three: To maintain unity. 4:3-6

Four: To steward God's grace. 4:7

Five: To foster growth. 4:12

Six: To promote truth. 4:15

Seven: To exalt Christ. 4:13, 15

...when each part is working properly, the body grows... ~ Ephesians 4:16

I Must Commit Financially

Series: Growing Grace
Text: Exodus 25, 35-36
Theme: As a disciple, I must commit financially to the Lord's work.

Giving from the heart is marked by...

One: Gratitude: Giving from the heart is the privilege of God's redeemed people.

Two: Stewardship: Giving from the heart is returning what God has entrusted to you.

Three: Investment: Giving from the heart is not a financial loss.

Four: Willingness: Giving from the heart should be characterized by joy.

Five: Faith: Giving from the heart believes that God will provide what is needed.

Whoever is of a generous heart, let him bring the Lord's contribution. ~ Exodus 35:5

I Commit to Pray

Series: Growing Grace
Text: Acts 12:1-17
Theme: As a disciple, I must commit to pray for the church...

One: a response to need.

Two: a defiance of evil.

Three: a focus on God.

Four: a means of unity.

Five: an act of faith.

Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you. ~ 1 Samuel 12:23

I Must Commit Myself to the Church

Series: Growing Grace Text: Luke 14:25-33 Theme: As a disciple, I must commit myself to the church.

One: What is the church?

  • The people of God in all ages
  • Christians, who together worship, live out the gospel, and display the glory of God's holiness and love.

Two: What is church membership?

  • A definition: an expression of 2-way commitment
  • Member to Church:
    • Submission to church doctrine, leaders, & one another
    • Participation for the common good
  • Church to Member:
    • Affirmation of one's profession of faith
    • Oversight of one's discipleship and growth

Three: Is procedural church membership biblical?

  • There is no clear command for joining.
  • There is a consistent emphasis on defining the church.