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Posts tagged Preparation
Counting the Cost

Series: Preparation
Text: Luke 14:25-33

One: The use of the building.

  • The glory of God
  • The worship of God
  • The gospel of God

Two: The construction of the building.

  • A lot of workers
  • A lot of time

Three: The planning of the building.

  • A vision for use
  • A gathering of resources
  • A diligence of detail

Conclusion: Detailed planning and physical construction serve Gospel mission.

Now set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God. ~ 1 Chronicles 22:19

SermonDavid McClurgPreparation
The Cost of Discipleship

Series: Preparation
Text: Luke 14:25-33

What is the cost of following Christ?

One: Everything I love must be subordinated to loving Christ.

Two: Everything I live for must be sacrificed to living for Christ.

Three: Everything I have must be surrendered to gaining Christ.

Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. ~ John 12:25

SermonDavid McClurgPreparation