Grace Bible Church


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New Beginnings Give us Hope for the New Year

Theme: New beginnings give us hope for the New Year.

One: New beginnings are God's idea.

Two: God graciously offers us the continual hope of new beginnings.

  1. New beginnings reflect the power and goodness of creation.
  2. New beginnings in this life are not without groanings.
  3. New beginnings are possible because of God's promises.
  4. New beginnings unfold the gospel of a new creation.
  5. New beginnings sustain our daily endurance.
  6. New beginnings shape our future hope.

The steadfast lof of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ~ Lamentations 3:22-23

SermonDavid McClurg
You Must Find Joy in Knowing the Savior

Series: Finding Joy in the Nativity
Text: Luke 1-2
Theme: You must find joy in knowing the Savior.

Jesus is the joy!

Why do we need to be reminded that Jesus is the joy?

One: At times we want the material blessings from Jesus more than we want Jesus.

Two: At times we ask lesser things than Jesus to satisfy our craving for joy.

Three: At times we settle for partial joys of lesser things.

Four: Lest we send a mixed message about the Good News of great joy for all people.

Five: At times we think that Jesus leads to joy.

You Should Find Joy in Believeing God's Words

Series: Finding Joy in the Nativity
Text: Matthew 1:18-25
Theme: You should find joy in believing God's words.

One: What makes it hard to believe God's words?

Two: What does it mean to believe God's words?

  • Know God's words.
  • Count God's words as true.
  • Be affected by God's words.

Three: What were the words to be believed?

  • A successful Savior.
  • A triumphant kingdom.

call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. ~ Matthew 1:21

You Should Find Joy in Sharing Your Hope

Series: Finding Joy in the Nativity
Text: Luke 2:8-20
Theme: You should find joy in sharing your hope.

One: Hear the good news.

  • A divine appointment in everyday life.
  • True joy for those who need it.

Two: Believe the good news.

Three: Share the good news.

  • a hint of the sharing – v.10 – for all the people
  • a definition of the sharing – v.17 – they made known

Four: Rejoice in the good news.

They made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child. ~ Luke 2:17

A Study in 1 Peter 1

Pray: Psalm 119:18 Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things in your law.
Text to Read: 1 Peter 1:13-19
Think: Philippians 4:8 whatever is true...think about these things


  • 💡 Something to see. What shines in this passage? What draws attention? What is the main idea? What character of God is displayed? What key words shape the text?
  • Something to ask. What is difficult to understand? How are the connecting words used to steer the flow of thought? (for, as, therefore, so that, but, since, if/then)
  • ➡️ Something to do. What should I do with these verses? What needs to change in my life in order to obey? What motivation is offered? What promise to trust? What sin to avoid? What example to follow?
  • 📖 Somewhere to look. What other verse or phrase of the Bible comes to mind? Is there another passage that might help address your questions?
  • 🙏 Something to pray. What should I pray based on these verses?
  • 🙂 Someone to tell. Who would benefit from hearing your thoughts? Who might be able to answer your question?
Sunday SchoolDavid McClurg
You Should Find Joy in Serving The King

Series: Finding Joy in the Nativity
Text: Luke 1 & 2, Matthew 1 & 2
Theme: You should find joy in serving the King.

What do the angelic appearances of the advent teach us about serving the King?

One: Serving means doing God's will.

Two: Serving means sharing God's truth.

Three: Serving meanas hoping in God's gospel.

I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news. ~ Luke 1:19

A Study in Psalm 23

Pray: Psalm 119:18 Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things in your law.
Text to Read: Psalm 23
Think: Philippians 4:8 whatever is true...think about these things

  • 💡 Something to see. What shines in this passage? What draws attention? What is the main idea? What character of God is displayed? What key words shape the text?
  • Something to ask. What is difficult to understand? How are the connecting words used to steer the flow of thought? (for, as, therefore, so that, but, since, if/then)
  • ➡️ Something to do. What should I do with these verses? What needs to change in my life in order to obey? What motivation is offered? What promise to trust? What sin to avoid? What example to follow?
  • 📖 Somewhere to look. What other verse or phrase of the Bible comes to mind? Is there another passage that might help address your questions?
  • 🙏 Something to pray. What should I pray based on these verses?
  • 🙂 Someone to tell. Who would benefit from hearing your thoughts? Who might be able to answer your question?
Sunday SchoolDavid McClurg
Joy in Pursuing Truth

Series: Finding Joy in the Nativity
Text: Matthew 2:1-12
Theme: You should find joy in pursuing truth.

God has revealed truth.

  • ...which is opposed by lies.
  • ...which is for all people.
  • ...which is traced throughout the bible.

Grace enables our pursuit of truth.

  • We see both the star of God's leading. and...
  • ...the journey of the Magi's following.

In our pursuit of truth, God will be glorified and we will find joy.

...they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy...and they fell down and worshiped him. ~ Matthew 2:10-11

Bible Study Tools

Using the Swedish method for studying scripture.

💡 Something to see
❓ Something to ask
➡️ Something to do
📖 Somewhere else to look
🙂 Someone to tell
🙏 Something to pray

Sunday SchoolDavid McClurg
I Must Commit to Thanksgiving

Series: Growing Grace
Text: 2 Chronicles 7:1-3
Theme: As a disciple, I must commit to thanksgiving

Big Idea: When God makes his presence known, His people respond in worship, giving thanks for His goodness and steadfast love.

It is true in the Old Testament shadow.

It is true in the New testament fulfilment.

It should be true in our present obedience.

  • Give thanks to Him.
  • Bless His name.

...for the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever... ~ Psalm 100:5

I Must Commit to Discipleship

Series: Growing Grace
Text: Matthew 4:17-25
Theme: As a disciple, I must commit to discipleship — to following Jesus as Lord.

What does it mean to "follow" Jesus?

One: A foundation of repentance.

Two: A restructuring of priorities.

Three: A fellowship of followers.

Four: An intake of teaching.

Five: A hope of goodness.

Six: An understanding of authority.

...and Jesus said to them, "Follow me"... ~ Matthew 4:19

I Must Commit to Sharing the Good News

Series: Growing Grace
Text: Luke 10:1-20
Theme: As a disciple, I must commit to sharing the good news.

There is Joy in Sharing the Good News

One: The joy of my kingdom purpose.

Two: The joy of my announcing the good new.

Three: The joy of my sharing in Christ's rejection.

Four: The joy of my fresh experience of faith.

Five: The joy of my encounter with other believers.

Six: The joy of my experience of power.

Seven: The joy of my eternal security.

...the Lord sent them...they returned with joy... ~ Luke 10:1,17

I Must Commit to Know and Obey What The Bible Says

Series: Growing Grace
Text: 2 Kings 22:1-23:25
Theme: As a disciple, I must commit to know and do what the Bible says.

One: Could it be that the people of God would willfully neglect the Word of God?

Two: Could it be that hearing the Word of God would awaken our hunger for it?

Three: Could it be that the Word of God would guide us into faithful obedience?

Four: Could it be that the Word of God needs a more prominent place in your life?

And he made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book. ~ 2 Kings 23:3

I Must Commit to Serving

Series: Growing Grace
Text: Ephesians 4:1-16
Theme: As a disciple, I must commit to serving the church.

7 Reasons to Serve the Church

One: To display God's glory. 3:20-21

Two: To reflect your calling. 4:1-2

Three: To maintain unity. 4:3-6

Four: To steward God's grace. 4:7

Five: To foster growth. 4:12

Six: To promote truth. 4:15

Seven: To exalt Christ. 4:13, 15

...when each part is working properly, the body grows... ~ Ephesians 4:16